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                About us
                Pursue professional perfection and customer satisfaction

                15 years resistor R & D manufacturer

                Shenzhen Xianyang Huaxing electromechanical Co., LtdFounded in 2006, it is a private science and technology enterprise specializing in the research, manufacturing and sales of electronic components. Under the leadership of the general manager, the company takes "being realistic, innovative, pioneering and enterprising" as the enterprise spirit, takes "self-confidence and self-improvement, daring to think and act, focusing on the country, people-oriented, trustworthy by quality and striving for new strength" as the enterprise culture, meets the needs of customers at home and abroad with high-quality and reliable products and sincere services, and contributes to the take-off of China's economy.

                The company has 8 automatic resistor production lines. The main products are carbon film resistor, metal film resistor, metal oxide film resistor and wound resistor, among which the products and quality of non inductive wound resistor are in the leading position in China.

                Contact information

                0755-81785561 81785562 81785563

                Address: Floor 2, building 1, Jiada Industrial Park, huqidou, Zhoushi Road, Langxin community, Shiyan street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen


                Copyright 2021 ? Shenzhen Xianyang Huaxing electromechanical Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved 粤ICP备07500667号